AI & ML Projects

Whatsapp meme detector

Whatsapp meme detector Find in Github I have been thinking of clearing some space in my phone for a long time. I have a lot of images in my whatspapp images folder- around 37,000 images. There are some pictures important to me in these 37k images which I donot want to...

FPS headshot aim assist using YOLO v5

• Implemented an aim assist python script that shoots at the body or the head of the enemy if the head is detected.
• Trained a YOLO 5 model with 92% accuracy and 20fps speed to detect head and body of the enemy in CSGO.
• Built a game agnostic bot so that it can be used in other FPS games with minimal training.

Heart Arrythmia detection

Heart arrhythmia detection uses machine learning based anomaly detection techniques inorder to detect irregularities in heartbeat pattern and future work is to notify the person using a realtime alert.

Hand Cricket using OpenCV and Mediapipe

Hand Cricket using OpenCV and Mediapipe

Hand Cricket using OpenCV and Mediapipe Find in Github Hand cricket is a very common game that was played in my childhood. I learned to count faster using this game. I recreated a version of this game so that I could play against the computer and increase my counting...

Sentiment Analysis on IMDB movies

Sentiment Analysis on IMDB movies Watch Video Github Sentiment classification is one of the basic problems in Machine Learning. Here, I have build a Flask based UI for a sentiment analysis model made using LSTM and hosted in...

Video based on similarity from tSNE plot

Video based on similarity from tSNE plot Youtube video Find in Github Download any 1000 or more ‘appropriate’ and publicly available images from the web. This could be part of a data set or something specific that you picked up or are interested in. Apply...

Model based machine learning drift detection

Model based machine learning drift detection Find in Github The idea is to remove the Y labels from the training data set and label half of the training data as zero and the other half as one. A machine learning model is fit on the modified data set and the test data...

Spam classification using logistic regression

Spam classification using logistic regression Find in Github We will be looking at Spam Filtering with a real data set that has a “label” for every email – i.e. spam or not spam. We will use logistic regression classifier to solve this assignment and...